Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Changing Seasons

I love Autumn, I love the clothes, the chilly sunshine days and most of all I love the expectancy of good times ahead.

Normally having to put the heating on signals the end of a summer which never really started but this year feels different. We had sunny days, we enjoyed BBQs and for most had one of those long summers I remember so vividly from my childhood. So when I started to feel the first little chills of Autumn for once I didn't feel cheated I felt ready for a new chapter.

For me Autumn brings birthday celebrations, long walks on chilly Sunday mornings wrapped up in woolly jumpers, that unmistakable smell of bonfire night and the build up of excitement as the festive season (I won't mention the C word!) gets closer. There's a feeling of unmistakeable expectancy of good times ahead and it's all wrapped up in snug clothes and warm hearty food! 

Yes I'll miss sitting outside with a glass of wine on barmy summer evening but I'm welcoming Autumn with open arms and giving it a big warm hug, I think we're going to get along just fine!


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