Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Nappy Kind Boutique Leg Warmers

I recently received a very pretty pair of Aster Twist Huggalugs leg warmers from the people at Nappy Kind Baby Boutique as always when I get new clothing for Daisy I couldn’t wait for her to try them on. 

I was a little concerned about whether they would be too hot with the recent mild weather but as things took a turn for the worse over the weekend with the build up to Storm St Jude we had the perfect opportunity to give them a little outing.

Daisy wears tights with shorts and leggings a lot so I thought the leg warmers would be perfect to add an extra layer to these, plus getting Daisy to wear anything other than frilly knickers is a bit of task some days but she loved the leg warmers. They are lovely and colourful and plenty long enough (Daisy is fairly tall for her age) best of all they stayed up so no saggy knees issues!

Like most mums I don’t have time to be sorting washing into delicates and the like so the fact that these kept their shape and colour in the first wash is great, hopefully that wont change in future washes. My only criticism is one of the leg warmers snagged slightly after the first day which is disappointing but I was relieved to see that they had protected Daisy’s tights while she played.

I’m planning on embarking on the crazy journey of potty training next year so will be looking forward to using these to keep Daisy a little warmer while she runs about in her undies.  I can also see how useful they would be for a crawling baby to protect their knees especially on wooden floors like we have or just to add a bit of warmth in the summer when wearing dresses and shorts.

On the whole I think the leg warmers are a great idea, fun, stylish and really versatile. Have a look at the website, they come in various sizes with some great designs for boys and girls and at the moment there are some fantastic bargains as well. 


Sunday, 20 October 2013

Bedtimes, Mr Moon and the Dark

There's been a tired haze hanging over the Robinson household recently as Daisy has unfortunately starting waking in the night again. At first we put it down to a bit of separation anxiety (as I've previously blogged, Daisy has had the occasional Velcro baby moment) but when she also started getting upset when we put her to bed (previously unheard of) we realised this could be trickier than we thought.

A few nights back she awoke at 4am(ish) and I heard a very sad little voice cry 'mummy I don't like it' and it dawned on me she might be getting a bit scared of the dark. However with a little lamp on and the obligitory mummy in the room, she'd happily fall back to sleep and stay that way till morning.

So today we took a little trip to the lovely Jojo Maman Bebe in town for a toddler friendly nightlight. We went for the Celeste and Moon nightlight and Daisy chose the moon design, as she's recently discovered the moon and it's become her latest obsession. 

So we got Mr Moon home, tried him out in the bathroom and had a little chat about how he will be Daisy's friend at night if it's dark. Daddy was also dragged into the bathroom to be shown Mr Moon in all his illuminous glory as Daisy proudly announced she's not scared of the dark.

Last night was the first real test and it went really well, we had Mr Moon on while she fell asleep and we turned him off to save some power until we went to bed later on. Despite a couple of wake ups where she put herself back down she had a fantastic night. In fact I found myself lying in bed at 7am this morning with both Daisy and Mr R fast asleep. Whether it was down to Mr Moon or not is yet to be seen but so far so good.

The nightlight is perfect for toddlers, it seems pretty hard wearing and the light itself is nice and gentle. You can choose to have a changing colour sequence or just one shade. The casing doesn't get hot and it's easy for Daisy to turn on and off so she can take him into bed with her if she wants to during the night. Mr Moon also has a handy hooped design so he's easy to hold and carry about.&nbsp There are no batteries as it's charged by a separate unit and it lasts the night through so we can simply pop it on charge during the day.

I don't expect miracles and I'm sure there's still plenty of sleepless nights ahead but I do feel Mr Moon has given D a little comfort and hopefully banished some of those nighttime woes. 

Silent Sunday

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Buzzy Babies Feeding Book :
A Review

I have been lucky enough to be sent one of the lovely Buzzy Babies feeding books and even though my nursing and weaning days are over for now, I couldn't wait to review it.

The book has an irresistible vintage charm with a hand drawn cover and reminds me a little of story books from my own childhood. Inside there are charts for recording babies feeds, weaning info, gifts and some very handy notes pages where you can record medication or development milestones. The layout inside is beautiful and I can see it would be so easy to use even if you're scribbling down notes with a baby on one arm and a toddler hanging from your trouser leg. There's also a handy little pocket at the end of the book for keeping loose papers in.

I'm sure we can recall those missing weeks when we first bought our babies home, finding random items in the fridge and leaving the house in our PJs. This book is the perfect solution for remembering the important stuff. I had a scruffy slip of paper stuck to the fridge where I would try to note down Daisy's feeds as at the time I didn't know anything like this existed but would have been all over it if I did.

I also love the weaning section. We did Baby Led Weaning with Daisy and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. The Buzzy Babies feeding book not only allows you to record the foods baby has tried listing any allergies, likes and dislikes but also serves as a wonderful memory of such an important time in your little one's life, I can imagine adding photos to this section to act as a little diary for when Daisy is older. On a more serious note I can also see how the book would be fantastic for parents who for medical reasons are required to keep a note of feeds, weaning or medication.

All in all I think the feeding journal is great, It would make a fantastic and unique gift for a new mum as well as a treasured keepsake for when your little on grows up, you can even choose to have it gift wrapped for you. To be honest I can't wait to have the opportunity to use it in practice and that's not an announcement in case you're wondering and when that time comes I promise a follow up review.


Disclaimer - I was sent a journal for the purposes of this review but all opinions are my own.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Getting My Craft On

I've been promising myself for months now I would put some time aside and get a bit creative. I have decided to try my hand at making Greetings Cards and finally got round to trying out a few ideas today.

I love doing crafts with Daisy, but it felt so good to relax and spend some time by myself doing what I love. Before full time work, marriage and motherhood I would spend hours drawing and painting (I even have a degree in Fine Art!) but finding the time and space with a very curious 22 month old who also happens to love painting is tricky to say the least! 

So here are my first attempts, they're a little rough round the edges and I want to work on the designs, but I'm fairly happy for now. I would love to one day be in a place where I could make money out of making these but for now I'm very happy indulging myself. 

New Baby / Birthday Card

Girls Birthday Cards

Christmas Card

I'd be really interested in your opinions, which you like, done like? I'm also hoping to get some boys cards made as well so will be canvassing opinions again! 

Friday, 4 October 2013


Daisy's had a bit of a tummy bug over the last couple of days but started to feel better this afternoon so we headed out to the woods for a bit of fresh air. 

It really reminded me why I love this time of year, the sun was shining, the leaves turning a hundred beautiful shades of red, orange and brown, Berries on the bushes and conkers on the ground - I am so over summer!

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