Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Hello Second Tri....

Tomorrow I am officially in my Second trimester so I thought it is high time I got my act together and started my pregnancy blog. The last 3 months have been pretty much what I expected with this being my second pregnancy, I had some morning sickness with D but it has stepped up a gear this time round, probably due to the tiredness. I certainly underestimated how much harder it is to be pregnant with a toddler in tow. I can fondly remember the first 3 months with D, coming come from work and having a nap, long lazy mornings at the weekend – none of these are particularly easy with an energetic 2 year old.

On the plus side having a happy go lucky toddler who really doesn’t understand morning sickness has it’s positives, it’s difficult to wallow in self pity when she’s standing behind you as you are reintroduced to your breakfast, shouting “come dance with me mummy it’s party time” 

I've also noticed I'm much bigger, much earlier this time round, I'm already cracking out the maternity jeans as I can barely contain my chub in my regular jeans. It may also have something to do with the fact that I am currently taking grazing to a whole new level and will pretty much eat all day if I can but I’m standing by the excuse this is a very big baby! 

All in all it’s been a pretty happy and healthy 3 months but I am certainly looking forward to the promised land of boundless energy, no sickness and glowing skin which the second trimester so confidently promises, however I have a sneaking feeling those promises are not made by a tired mother with a full time job, an hour commute into London and a 2 year terrorist hijacking her sleep! That said I will try to be optimistic, bring on the next 3 months! 

I do plan to do a separate blog on some of the aspects of pregnancy that have got me thinking this time round such as the endless list of forbidden foods and the impossible task of shopping for maternity jeans but for now I’ll just leave you with this...... Baby Pip.


  1. Before my second pregnancy I was weaning Rio off of his afternoon naps..now I live for them! Welcome to second tri :) xx

  2. Your pregnancy is already flying by! So exciting x

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