Monday, 26 May 2014

The Natural History Museum, Tring

So for some of us the May bank Holiday sunshine Gods didn't shine today so laying in bed listening to the rain lashing down this morning we had to get our thinking caps on and decide what we could do that a) didn't cost much, b) was inside and c) would entertain a toddler with the concentration span of a millisecond! 

We decided to take a look at the Natural History Museum in Tring, it's only a 20 minute drive from us and looked perfect for a morning out. Arriving pretty soon after it opened we were relieved to see it wasn't too busy yet and surprised to see there was so much to discover. Over several floors the museum has almost every animal you can imagine and D loved running around seeing what she could find. We even had an in depth conversation about what skeletons were and how we all have bones under our skin! 

Alongside the main exhibitions there were some lovely discovery rooms where little hands can indulge their need to touch and there was even a craft activity set up where the kids could make their own imaginary creatures. D was very proud of her efforts and I promise Mummy and Daddy didn't help at all (My parents will be thrilled to see my fine art degree hasn't gone to waste!)

All in all we loved the Museum and would definitely be returning, the only let down for me was the cafe as it was really small and with lots of buggies and children, far too overcrowded so we decided on a pub lunch instead.

We definitely plan to take D to the Natural History Museum in London now but if you ever find yourselves in the depths of Hertfordshire and looking for a cracking place to visit with the kids, the Tring Museum is a great option and it's free to boot! 

Monday, 19 May 2014

20 Week Scan - Take 2

Those who read my blog on my 20 week scan will know it was a pretty stressful experience and not the wonderful chance to see baby again we had hoped for. The Sonographer struggled all the way through and then told us we had low fluid and would need to be re scanned. It was all very rushed and we were given no explanation or advice as we were ushered out of the room. Stupidly I then consulted Dr Google and panic set in at the range of possible outcomes to having low fluid this early in pregnancy. 

To say it's been a worrying week is an understatement, I've rested as advised by my midwife, drank loads of water and even started drinking coconut water and eating lots of water melon as I read somewhere it can help and today we had our rescan and the experience couldn't have been more different. 

The Sonographer was calm and clearly experienced, confidently told us straight away that the fluid levels are now fine and she can't see any reason to worry. After hearing about our last experience she also went out of her way to re measure baby as well. The results were such a relief, she's gone from below average to bang on target. 

Whether the last scan was wrong or whether a week of drinking gallons of water and resting up has helped I don't know but the main thing is I can start relax again. She (definitely a she this time!) was wriggling around, feet in the air with no idea of the worry she's caused and it couldn't be a more amazing sight. 

We feel like a huge weight has been lifted and can get back to enjoying being pregnant and looking forward to meeting our beautiful little girl. 

(Enjoying a sneaky cake and coffee in the sunshine after the scan before Mr R had to head to work) 

Mother's Always Right

Personalised Peppa Pig Book: A Review

As you may have gathered from some of my tweets my 2.5 year old daughter is a massive Peppa Pig fan so when we were lucky enough to be offered the opportunity to review a personalised book for Fathers Day from Penwizard I jumped at the chance.

The book is all about Peppa and Daddy Pig and is cleverly personalised to include Daddy and Daughter throughout. When ordering the book you have the chance to create Daddy and Daughter for yourself picking the correct features etc to make it as true to life as possible. The ordering process was really straightforward and you get to review the book at the end before purchasing, there is also a place to put a personalised message at the front of the book which is lovely especially if the book is intended as a gift.

The book arrived in super speedy time and I am really pleased with the end result. It's great quality, hardback and the perfect size for little hands. I love the pics of Daddy and Daisy throughout the book as well as on the cover.

Daisy loved it straight away, her little eyes widened as I read a few pages and she realised it was about her and her Daddy, Mr R reported the book was a great success, Daisy loved being part of the story with her best friend Peppa and kept pointing out the pics of her and her Daddy

On the whole I would thoroughly recommend the book and feel it would make a fantastic Father's Day present, what could be better than something they can enjoy together as well as being a great keepsake. 

We were kindly sent this book by Penwizard for the purpose of this review but all opinions are my own. 

Friday, 16 May 2014

'What called his Name'

Over the last few weeks Ds talking has come on leaps and bounds, she's talking in proper sentences and we can have now have little conversations about what's she's been doing in the day. Admittedly these still involve the question 'why' at least 3000 times but they're conversations nevertheless.

However at just 2.5 we are still getting lots of muddled words and 'Daisyisms' all of which either have us stuffing our fists in our mouths desperate not to laugh at her or melting with big snoggy love! 

I'm well aware that as she gets older these little quirks in her language will start to disappear so wanted to have a little memory of them somewhere - I'm sure there's lots more but these are the most used! 

What gone daddy? -  Where's Daddy gone?

No please - polite at least if a little muddled

What called his name? Love!

Can't know - don't know

Not yep

What is?

My humby - has to be combined dramatic rubbing of her belly! 

Can we watch super pan - Peter Pan

What for my present me? - What is my present for?

Monday, 12 May 2014

Our 20 Week Scan

We had our scan last week and like all new mums I couldn't wait to see my bub again and hopefully find out if D was expecting a little brother or sister. We had booked the day off work and had planned to have a lovely lunch and shopping day together after the scan.

We woke up and it was chucking it down and thanks to unexpected road works on the way we nearly missed our appointment - I guess I should have seen the warning signs that it wasn't going to go as smoothly as we hoped but I was just so excited and everything had always gone to plan with D so I just didn't expect anything else . 

In the appointment I had a trainee sonographer doing the scan and had no reservations as we had a lovely student in with us at Daisy's birth so have always encouraged student interaction . The scan was pretty long winded due to the trainee having some trouble getting the right measurements, plus unfortunatrly bub was tucked in a corner making life very difficult. However they managed to get most of the measurements they needed and baby was the right size, we saw some lovely images of bub drinking and sucking it's thumb which was amazing to see. Towards the end of the scan as they were trying to get to see the spine I got a sense of things becoming a bit more quiet and the supervising sonographer got involved to measure the fluid around the bub. 

We could see she wasn't happy and she told us that the fluid levels are right at the bottom of normal and she would need to check with the doctor. We we're told we would need to come in for another scan and as the appointment had gone on much longer than planned we were rushed out to make an appointment and left to return. 

Leaving the hospital we felt a bit empty, in the rush we had barely had a chance to check the sex and was told it looks like a girl, we didn't get a chance to get any photos and worst if all we were given no information about what low fluid levels could mean or what we could do. We headed into town as planned and had lunch but it all felt a bit wrong and ended up heading home early. 

I know I shouldn't have but I then started googling low fluid levels and unfortunately found some pretty scary stories. As we're so early in the pregnancy it would be the result of a number of things including kidney / bladder problems with bub and can lead to some scary outcomes. I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard when you don't really know what you're dealing with so I'm getting as much rest as possible (not easy with a full time job and a toddler!) eating healthily and drinking loads. I have no idea whether it will help but it can 't hurt. 

It's going to be a long week and I'm just praying it's a blip and that bub will continue to grow and meet her targets. I've also been told I have an anterior placenta which is limiting the amount of movement I can feel but I am still getting little flutters which are truly wonderful when I start to feel the worry creeping up on me. 

I wasn't planning to write this blog as I tend to like to keep things to myself when times are tough but I'm hoping getting it off my chest will help me get through this week of waiting and remind me that at the moment we haven't been told it's really bad news and I'm still looking forward to meeting our beautiful baby girl and Daisy's amazing little sister. 

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