Thursday, 25 September 2014

40 Week Bump Update

So after hoping that my last update would be the final one here I am on the day my baby is due with my 40 week bump update.........

I visited the midwife yesterday and despite still having the odd 'small bump' comment recently I was slightly shocked to find out bump is bang on at 39.5 and I've managed to pile on 4kgs! Looks like I might need to lay off the biscuits now I'm on maternity leave and not rushing around as much! Whether I look small or not it's very clear that this definitely isn't a small baby and the longer she's cooking the bigger she'll get - lord help me! 

Despite running out of space and regularly subjecting me to some pretty impressive rib kicks, it also seems Pip is positioned really well so looks like I might be able to avoid another back to back delivery after all. 

I'm also hoping to use a tens machine as much as possible for the pain this time round and have been fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to try one out from Mama Tens. I'm really hoping to feel more in control this time round after a bit of a whirlwind with Daisy. 

Bump aside life is still pretty busy with Daisy starting pre school (sadly causing quite a few tears from both of us) and us both getting used to being at home all day together. It's been harder and harder lately as I just can't do the things she wants to anymore - Horsey rides and soft play are tricky when you are the size of a small hippo. 

So the next couple of weeks are project avoid induction, I intend to walk as much as possible and bounce on the birthing ball whenever I can. I'm not really a massive believer in the usual old wives tales for bringing on labour but I'm sure it was a long walk that got things moving with Daisy. Fingers crossed it'll do the trick this time round. 

Friday, 19 September 2014

39 week bump update

It's quite a strange bump update this time round as I'm aware it could well be my last , forever *sob* and it brings such mixed feelings. On one hand I'm getting a tad fed up with being pregnant and just not being able to do the things I want to with D but then again I feel like I should be cherishing these last few days / weeks knowing I may never have another little bump again. 

I had my 38 week appointment last week and all seems well I'm measuring at 36 weeks so a tad small but the midwife didn't seem concerned. That said it doesn't stop everyone I speak to telling me how tiny my bump is and inducing a bout of that familiar pregnancy paranoia that something is wrong. 

Yes I'll admit my bump is smaller than last time but I think generally I'm smaller than last time. First time round Maternity leave was three weeks of iced buns, lazing in bed till noon and as Mr R loves to remind me often 2 dinners when the mood took me. I wasn't huge but I definitely had that rounded pregnancy face. This time round I barely have a moment to sit down, I'm eating with D so trying to keep things healthy and as for a lie in till noon - I wish! So I just seem to be a bump and little else, that said I really don't feel like it's a small bump either! 

The one thing I am struggling with is sleep, it's been hard all the way through but now it's virtually impossible, I'm also getting sciatica if I do too much in the day (how much is too much when you've got a toddler?) which is a serious pain in the arse (literally!)

Am I ready for the baby? well yes I guess I am, I've not really had the time to get ready but I have a cot, clothes, nappies and boobs - what else does she need in those first few days!?

So Pip, as much as I've loved our 9 months together let's meet, there's someone very special out here who can't wait to see you.......

Thursday, 18 September 2014

August Degustabox Review

So it's that fantastic time again when we await the delivery of our Degustabox. I love the anticipation of what we'll find in the box and what ideas those food conjure up for recipes and meals. 

For those that haven't heard of Degustabox (where have you been?!) it is a monthly food delivery box with a bit if difference. You never know what you are going to get and often the foods are new to the market so you get the chance to try things you haven't before and perhaps wouldn't have chosen before. Here's what we received.......

2 x Schwartz Flavour Shots - we got Mexican fajita and Spanidh smoked paprika 

Caribbean Twist Strawberry Daiquiri drink - as I'm pregnant this has been passed on to my mum who I'm sure will thoroughly enjoy the fruity flavour

Lindt HELLO Just For You Chocolate Tin - a little treat that D and I couldn't resist tucking into as soon as the box arrived

Cawston Press Kids Blends Apple - Ds an apple juice fiend so LOVED this

Fever tree Ginger Beer and Tonic Water. I've already decided the tonic water is all mine and can't wait until I can treat myself to a delicious G&T once the baby is born

Brioche Pasquier Pain au Lait and
Brioche Pasquier Croissants. We often buy these types of pastries but haven't tried this brand before and they we're delicious. The Brioche rolls just screamed Bread and Butter pudding to me and I have to say made a superb pudding, the recipe will be on the blog shortly. 

Dr Oetker Edible Wafer Cases - fab idea and can't wait to get baking with D

Mexican Dave's Lightly Salted Tortilla Chips - we love Mexican food so will be planning a feast along with the Schwartz Mexican flavour shot

Berry White Drink - I'm yet to try this but can't wait as I love all fruit flavoured drinks. 

This month Degustabox have introduced a new idea and included a voucher for a chilled product. We got one for a four pack of MOMA! Bircher Museli something I've had many times before and absolutely love, it's similar to overnight oats and seriously delicious. My only concern with the fridge vouchers is that I have so far forgotten to use them when I go shopping and would hate to miss out but it's such a lovely introduction to the boxes I can't complain. 

Again I'm really pleased with the box as there's nothing I wouldn't consider buying but plenty I've never tried before and as always it's fantastic value for the £12.99 monthly subscription. 

It's certainly something I would recommend if you enjoy trying new foods and challenge yourself to break away from your standard meal ideas. If Degustabox appeals to you and you would like to experience this for yourself the below code gives you a £3.00 discount on your first month

I was given the opportunity to try Degustabox for the purposes of this review but all opinions are my own. 

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Chatterbox Walls Print Review

For those of you that don't know, I met Mr R at Art school, I was studying fine art painting and Mr R Graphic Design. Since buying our first place about 8 years ago we have steadily filled every wall available to us with photos, paintings, postcards and prints - each has a story behind it and I love how we collected so many beautiful pieces in the 14 years we've been together. 

So as you can imagine when we were given the chance to order a sample print from Chatterbox Walls an online personalised print website we jumped at the chance. As a Graphic Designer Mr R is very particular about typography type work so we chose together and decided on a bright print listing some of the places which have a particular meaning for us, where we met, have lived and where we went on Honeymoon.

The Chattterbox Walls website is really easy to work through and allows you to preview your design before buying, there is also the opportunity to buy a framed print if you wish. Our Sample was A4 size which isn't normally the size I would choose for a piece of wall art but it gives you a taste of what is available. 

The quality of the print is really good and the colours are lovely and bright.

Chatterbox Walls do a huge range of prints which would make a great gifts for house warming, new baby etc so have a look at their website and get choosing the one for you. 

We were sent this print for the purposes of this review but all words and opinions are my own porn movies sex videos hd porno video