Monday, 6 October 2014

Freya Pearl - Our birth story

I was due on the 25th September but didn't have any indications that anything would happen so went about my day as usual. D and I went food shopping and had spent the afternoon splashing in a local stream in our wellies! It was at around 5pm while in a certain fast food establishment that I felt my first contractions. 

These continued into the evening so I got out the Tens about 8pm and used it for 2 hours until I went to bed. I slept for a couple of hours but the contractions started up again about 1/2am so I put the Tens back on and tried to relax as much as possible. 

As things looked like they were moving on we called Mr Rs mum who travelled down to look after D and started to get things together for the hospital as well as food and stuff for D while we were gone. 
We left for hospital about 1pm but didn't at the time tell D we were having the baby as we thought it might be too much for her to take in. We just told her baby was wriggling which is how we explained morning sickness etc.

When we arrived at hospital and shown to our room it finally sunk in when we left we would be doing so with our baby, suddenly it was all very real! I was given some Gas and Air and with the Tens was managing the pain. 

After a few hours things stepped up so I had a shot of pethadine, I know some people really don't like it but I have to shamefully admit I loved the spaced out feeling it gave me and it really took the edge off the contractions. 

About 7pm I started to struggle with the pain and kept asking for an epidural, hubby and midwife knew I didn't really want one so when I was examined and found to be 8cm we agreed to try the pool instead. (Im so glad they managed to sway me from the epidural as I would have regretted it afterwards) Baby however had different ideas and around 20 mins later I felt the urge to push and missy was born at 8.18pm on the 26th September 2014.

There are simply no words for that moment you first hold your own baby, it's just love in the simplest, purest form - she was beautiful and I was in love immediately. 

Labour wise I felt so much more in control this time round, the midwife was keen not to check how dilated I was until it was clear delivery was close as she felt it could be disheartening if I wasn't as far as hoped - this was a huge difference with my first labour at St Thomas's where I felt they put a lot of emphasis on how far dilated I was.

I also managed to stay active and mobile all the way through (although admittedly after the Pethadine I spent a lot of time on the floor!) I did however somehow make it into the bed to deliver but remained on my knees, i was determined not to be stuck on my back delivering this time round. 

After she was settled with us Freya fed for over an hour (sign of things to come!) and then Ad left us so we could try and sleep 

I stayed overnight in the birthing centre but having a room to myself it was actually nice to have some time just Freya and me. Daisy and Mr R came to collect us in the morning and it was clear immediately that Daisy was smitten by her little sister. 

The experience in general was much calmer than with D and I can't rate the staff at Watford ABC enough. My recovery has been so much more straight forward and the after care with the midwives has been great. Freya has had a few hiccups with Jaundice and a tongue tie but we've had great support so far.

We've been home 10 days now and I can definitely say the settling in is so much easier with number 2, they just kind of have to fit in with your current life. D has continued to be an amazing big sister and I'm pretty sure they're going to be best of friends as they grow up


  1. Congratulations what a lovely birth story :)

  2. Congratulations again lovely. You now have two oh so beautiful girls! Lovely birth story x

  3. What a wonderful birth experience! Both of your girls are beautiful, congratulations xxx

  4. Congratulations! What a lovely birth story!

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