Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Baby Led Weaning, The Journey Starts Here!

When we started weaning Daisy at 6 months we went down the BLW route and absolutely loved it - she got the hang of things really quickly and was soon eating a huge range of foods. I wasn't blogging at the time so couldn't diarise her progress as such but we took a photo a day which we'd send to Dad so have this to show her when she's older - here's a couple of my faves! 

Inspecting Brocoli for the first time!

Getting the hang of things now!

Freya's nearly 5 months old now and as expected I'm getting lots of comments that I should be feeding her a 'little something' by now, suggesting the delights of the dreaded baby rice! Freya has been taking an interest in us eating but no more than she takes an interest in every new thing happening around her. We waited till 6 months with D, who was a really hungry baby and breastfed every two hours till 6 months so we'll definitely be going down the same route with F. Plus I'm in no hurry to move things along any quicker than necessary - call me lazy but I'm more than happy with just milk at the moment as is Freya. 

Leading up to the start of weaning F and during her first few weeks I hope to record her progress on the blog, I'd love her to have a record of her first foods and achievements as she gets older. I'll also be writing some blogs on BLW as a concept and hopefully answering questions people might have who are thinking of weaning their little ones and are sceptical of BLW or anxious about avoiding the traditional puréed route. 

In the meantime here's a few more pics of my fabulous BLW graduate!

Daisy loves sweet potato wedges!

Tuna fishcakes and Brocoli

Giz a kiss!

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