Sunday, 29 March 2015

Johnsons #SoMuchMore

We we're asked a while back to attend a PR event with Johnsons but sadly with pre school commitments and my fear of travelling into London with 2 children I had to decline. However the lovely people at Johnsons kindly sent me some products so I could still be involved in their #SoMuchMore campaign. 

#SoMuchMore is all about highlighting the important of bathtime with our little ones, we all have different routines bath time wise but for most it's a chance to spend real quality one on one time with the little and for the littles to experience the wonderful sensations of abs throne - the touch, smells and sounds we take for granted but for them are so so much more 

For us Bathtime is an integral part of our bedtime routine, we started this at about 3 months with D and now F has got involved at 5 months. After tea we head upstairs and have a bath, the girls go in together now. Then it's book, milk for the baby and bed.

The most important thing about bathtime in our house is that it's Daddy time, Mr R arrives home just as the girls get in the bath so this is their special one on one time with him. Yes it's a chance to get clean after the typical shannegans of a messy toddler and weaning baby but it's also about fun, time away from TV, phones, laptops and a chance for everyone to wind down and relax before bed.

Johnsons have recently launched their so much more campaign to raise awareness of the benefits of bath time activities and to highlight how important this special time of day can be to a babies development. Here's some of their key findings.
  • 9 out of 10 parents say that bath time is more than just getting their child clean
  • 64% of parents say that for them Bath time is a tech free time
  • 42% of parents believe bath time is important to their child's brain development however only 23% understand the important of baby massage for Brain development
If you check out their website you can get the full picture as well as tips on how to make the most of bath time 

We love bathtime in our house, it's noisy, splashy and often the only time of the day we are all in the same place. So to also find out our children are benefitting both developmentally and emotionally during this time just makes it all the more special. 

Looks like another excuse to share some delicious baby bath time shots ;)

We were kindly sent some Johnson's products to help us write this post but all opinions are my own.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Baby Led Weaning - And we're off!

As we reach the end of our first week of weaning, I thought I'd do a little post, mainly as a little diary for F when she grows up but also to share some cracking baby meets food photos! 

We decided to start baby led weaning with F at 24 weeks (I know, I know!) as she'd been sitting well for some time and little miss grabby hands was bound to get her hands on her sisters food at some point anyway so we went shopping, stocked up on fruit and veg and took the plunge.

As F isn't quite 26 weeks yet we started cautiously and stuck to fruit and veg, I intend to start introducing pasta, bread, dairy etc in a couple of weeks. 

So far I'm pretty sure she's enjoying it, we've had very few gagging incidents and although it's messy and it sometimes feels like she's probably not taking too much in yet (although there has been a little bit of nappy evidence to say otherwise) it's been lovely having her up at the table eating with us and she's thoroughly enjoying herself. 

Yes meal times now take twice as long, yes she's getting through 3 outfits a day and yes I'm scraping food of most surfaces in the house but I love baby led weaning check out how little grabby hands is doing 

However my love for Baby Led Weaning might be thwarted by this one who has been dying to feed her little sister for months and typically F loves it!

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Gousto Recipe Box Review

I'm a busy mum and despite my love of cooking I rarely have the time (or energy) to put together fancy meals so often end up pulling out the old favourites like Spag Bol or Chilli. I know there's nothing wrong with that but like everyone I'd love to be able to cook something a bit special sometimes - I love food and for me a good meal is a real treat.

So when the lovely people at Gousto approached me to try out one of their recipe boxes I practically but their hand off. The concept of Gousto is right up my street - fantastic home cooked meals but without any of the fuss of planning, shopping, weighing out or preparing. 

If you're not aware of Gousto, they are a fantastic service which allows you to choose and cook delicious meals with leaving the house. You make your selection online and the food and recipe are delivered to your door. There are 10 new recipes each week all using organic vegetables and British meat. 

I was like a kid at Christmas when our delivery arrived. We received all the ingredients for 3 meals (mushroom stroganoff, Steak and leak Mash and lamb Koftas) and I mean ALL the ingredients, everything you need is there right down to stock cubes, herbs and spices.

The ingredients are clearly very good quality, the meat is labelled with its origin and the organic veg was all fresh looking. 

The box also includes recipe cards and information on when the meals should be cooked by taking into consideration the shelf life of the ingredients. This was a slight negative as we reviewed our box on Friday and the meals needed to be eaten by Monday or Tuesday this was by a problem for us but for some it might be difficult depending on family commitments. 

After cooking the meals I can't fault the recipes, they were easy to follow and the meals themselves were very tasty, I'll  certainly be making the stroganoff again as that was a real favourite. 

With the meals sent to us my only grumble would be with the steak meal, the picture on the website and recipe card shows a thick cut of steak but the actual recipe is for minute steak. This could be misleading although I must confess the minute steak was very tender.

As a concept I'd really recommend Gousto it's great for those too busy to shop or as a treat or break for busy parents. The website is really easy to use and you can often find a deal for those using the service for the first time.

We were kindly sent a Gousto recipe box in return for a full and honest review.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Being Mummy

I kiss away ouchies and Hug away anger

I am the finder of lost Princess doll shoes and the maker of Paper Dolls

I am the hunter of bedtime monsters and the provider of midnight cuddles

I wipe noses, wipe bottoms, wipe sticky faces and fingers

I'm the pusher of swings and the chaser of Gruffalos

I don't get enough sleep, almost never visit the loo alone and often have an invader in my baths and showers

I have milky stains on most of my clothes and I haven't had a reason to wear heels for years


I get to spend my time with the 2 most beautiful, funny, imaginative, loving and fabulous people ever

I'm a Mummy

And I bloody love it! 

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