Sunday, 31 May 2015

Gumi Gem Teething Necklace - A Review

Freya is nearly 7 months old now and like most babies this age she's been teething for quite a while. Just lately however it's been constant and if she can get her hands on it she'll chew it. I try to make sure I've always got something with me when I'm out and about but inevitably I sometimes forget.

I'd heard about breast feeding necklaces used to keep baby busy whilst feeding and thought they were a great idea so I set about having a look to see if there was something similar for teething babies. I came across Gumi Gem necklaces and thought they were ace, great looking necklaces and pendants but safe for baby to chew. The jewellery is made of non toxic FDA approved Silicone which is completely safe for chewing and washing/sterilising. 

When Gumi Gem offered to send me one of their necklaces for me and Freya to review I jumped at the chance, anything to get those slobbery jaws off my fingers and if it could relieve any of the discomfort she was feeling it would be worth its weight in gold! 

When the necklace arrived I loved how it looked. The silicon beads are textured to massage babies gums as they chew and they are secured well to the string so I felt completely at ease with F pulling and chewing at it. I've worn the necklace for a few weeks now and Freya has really come to realise this is hers and she can chew chew away to her hearts content. Of course as with any teething necklace it should only be given to baby while wearing it as mine particular has a long string and could be dangerous if given to your baby without supervision. 

My only quibble with the design I chose is that the beads are quite big and at first they were a bit too big for F to chew on but that's not the case now and she happily grabs them mouthing away. There are however a large range of necklaces with beads and pendants of different sizes, I just chose this one as I liked the chunky design. Its bold, bright and doesn't look like a teething necklace at all.

I think these make a great unique present for a new mum and one which a few months down the line they are undoubtably going to be very grateful for!

If you check out the website they have loads of fantastic teething products, I love the Bubba bags which are full of teething friendly stuff. Just brilliant!

We were sent a Gumi Gem necklace for purposes of this review but all opinions and words are my own

Monday, 18 May 2015

Bluestone National Park - First Impressions

After a less than lovely drive through torrential we were finally greeted with some well deserved sunshine as we arrived at Bluestone National park today

Despite arriving at what I'm told is the busy period we were through check in within about 15 minutes and given lots of helpful info about how to make the most of our stay by the lovely lady at Check in. As we were a little early to go to our accommodation we headed to the Activity Centre for a drink, nappy change and much needed stretch of our legs. 

We took the girls straight to the Circus Room which they both loved and gave D a chance to get rid of all the pent up excitement from nearly 5 hours in the car. F also loved how colourful the room is and as she's just at the almost crawling stage it gave her a safe place to have a roll about after being in her car seat for so long. 

We then popped across the road to collect our buggy and Mr R went to get the car so we could unpack. If you are planning on coming to Bluestone I would definitely recommend the Buggies, ours cost £80 for the mid week but with a toddler in tow I already know it's worth the money and so so much fun! 

We are staying in a Ramsey lodge which is an upside design. The inside is clean, spacious and has everything we need (had a couple of issues with the heated towel rails but that may well be me being dense) the lodges are super family friendly with stair gates, high chair, travel cot and bed rail. Both bedrooms have an en-suite and there is a lovely outside area for the girls to play in. 

So far so good, we're really happy and looking forward to the rest of the week. 

My only gripe if I had to find one is that for me the check in is a little late at 4.30pm as it's tricky to get unpacked etc in time to feed the kids. Plus our high chair didn't have a tray (it's an IKEA one so I know they have them) and as it doesn't slide under the table so it's tricky for F to feed herself with dropping food. It may be an oversight so will check in the morning 

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Preparing for our trip to Bluestone Wales

As part of their blogger programme we have been lucky enough to be offered the opportunity to visit Bluestone national park in Wales and we can't wait. We head off next week so the time has come for me to start compiling the endless lists required to ensure that 

1) I have everything I need, which when holidaying with a toddler and 7 month old is no mean feat! And 

2) I satisfy my crazy OCD, worrying crazy lady self and actually get some sleep in the next week rather than laying awake worrying we might forget the sudocrem!

Thankfully the lodges at Bluestone are pretty well equipped so we don't need to take the big baby items like cots and high chairs but there are a few things I consider essential for my little family

Bed guard - we were planning on taking Ds bed guard but having spoken to the lovely people at Bluestone they are going to arrange for one to be in our lodge for when we arrive. 

Baby monitors - sleeping in a strange place is always tough for toddlers so expecting odd wake up so will be be armed with the monitors for any night wakings.

Buckets and spades - we're definitely planning a trip to the beautiful Tenby beach if the weather is up to it so can't forget the essentials.

Phone / iPad / Camera charger - no explanation needed! 

Torch - not only to find our way home after those crazy nights of cocktails! Okay those 5pm meals so we can back in time for bath and bed) but also for D to have in bed just in case she finds things a bit spooky in the unfamiliar bedroom 

Calpol - we're in the midst of teething so this is almost as crucial as the final item ;)

Gin and tonic - nuff said

Friday, 8 May 2015

Baby Led Weaning (6 weeks in)

Freya is 7 months old now and we've been (mostly) baby led weaning for almost 6 weeks now and things are pretty much established food wise in that she generally eats the same as the rest of the family, give or take a few changes. 

I say 'mostly' as I've never been a strict baby led weaner I spoon feed porridge, puddings etc and (shock horror) have been known to mash the odd potato or banana for ease and convenience. That said she now handles most foods, is developing a stunning pincer grib (picking up peas at 7 months) and has moved on from just closed hand eating to opening and pushing food into her mouth. She hardly ever gags now and it's safe to say loves her food! 

I've been a bit (a lot) rubbish at taking photos of Freya with her weaning (poor neglected baby number 2) but trying to feed 2 is a whole different story plus unlike D she's a 'dropper' so mealtimes are a lot messier and quite frankly no place for an iPhone. 

So anyway here's a few of our baby led weaning shots, mostly clean because by the time they're both finished eating the carnage has usually resulted in my lost sanity and no one wants that documented!


Soft play lunch

Ham, Egg and (Parsnip) Chips

Picnic with big sis

Drunk on corn on the cob

Perfecting the pincer! 

Finally she can join us for Pizza Express! porn movies sex videos hd porno video