Thursday, 5 November 2015

Bobux Xplorers - A Review

F decided very early on that she wasn't interested in being my baby for very long so as soon as she could she was crawling and then at nearly 11 months walking *sob* 

Not long after she started walking around with confidence we were sent a pair of Bobux Xplorer shoes to try out. I had seen Bobux shoes before but hadn't actually tried them with my first so was really keen to do so with F.

Bobux originated in New Zealand and as well as being beautiful their shoes are super kind to feet, especially squidgy baby feet. Bobux are true believers in barefoot being best so ensure that when you are ready for your little one to have their first shoes they are as natural as they can be. 

The Xplorer range are super softened super flexible but with a rubber sole so can be used inside or out. They are shaped anatomically to match a babies natural foot so are the as close to barefoot as a shoe can be.

I've also always been a big believer in leaving babies barefoot as much as possible, F definitely walks better barefoot and it allows her chubby little trotters to development and grow without restriction. Also at this age I find baby shoes are either pram shoes which have no grip or sole protection or they seem a bit heavy and cumbersome for a very new walker, so have tended to steer clear. But when the Xplorers arrived i could see they were definitely not your average baby show. I couldn't believe how light they were, F has heavier socks!!! They are also the softest leather I've ever felt and the sole is designed beautifully to curve around their little feet. I was pretty much smitten straight away but the test was obviously F wearing them.

We tried them in the house to start with and I'm going to take the fact she was completely non plussed by them as a massive positive. F takes socks off, shoes off, hats off - pretty much everything. So when she not only kept them on but happily wandered around at her music group I knew they were a winner. We've since tried them outside as well and she does great in them. 

They are Velcro fastening but open up really wide so getting them on chubby little feet is no problem at all and they don't slide off once on. 

The Bobux Xploere Range are all a similar style but come on a range of bright colours, personally I love the design as they're unlike anything else I've seen for first walkers but I can see how some might prefer something a bit girlier, especially with dresses. 

My only gripe is that I know all too well how quickly babies feet grow and I'm going to be very sad to say goodbye to these little fellas when she gets too big for them. 

Bobux shoes can be purchased from their website, they are sized differently from the usual UK sizes but there is a really helpful guide to show you how to measure your little ones feet. We were sent a pair of Bobux for F to try out but all words and opinions are our own porn movies sex videos hd porno video